Monday, October 21, 2019

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thursday-Friday, October 17-18, 2019: Vocabulary Quiz today


1. Act II vocabulary Quiz at
2. Finish Act II notes and watch


1. Finish Act II notes and Watching
2. Take Act II Quiz at

Monday, October 7, 2019

Monday/Tuesday October 7-8, 2019: Finish Act I

  1. Finish Act I viewing and Act I notes (if it were done speech if necessary)
  2. Finish Character Analysis of characters we've met
  3. Start talking about Act I assignment

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Thursday/Friday October 3-4, 2019: When you durst do it....then you were a man

-->Bellringer<--CLICK HERE!

  1. Complete the bellringer
  2. Look over words for Act I vocabulary quiz--Click on Quizlet on the sidebar-->Folders (at the top near the Red Devil)-->Choose LEARN  and complete the words 2x through.
  3. Write a description of each character in your Google Doc, (that we've met so far) about your opinion on their actions, motives, and emotions.